Law Department

The Law Department manages the legal affairs of the City and provides legal advice to the officers, departments, boards, commissions and other agencies of the city.In addition, the Law Department prosecutes persons accused of violating City ordinances.

If you would like to make a request for a document that the city possesses, please submit Public Information Request Form

If you have a claim against the city (such as a pothole claim) please print, complete, and submit the Notice of Claim to the Law Department for evaluation

Request for Public Records

‍Notice of Claim
Indiana Supreme Court Self-Service Legal Center

401 Broadway, Suite 101
Gary, IN 46402
(219) 881-1400
(219) 881-1362 Fax

Carla Morgan, Corporation Counsel

Marco Molina,
City Attorney

Celona Hayes,
Assistant City Attorney

Steven Jenkins,
Assistant City Attorney

Janet Wallace,
Office Administrator